A83: Interupts and writing to the screen again
A83: Interupts and writing to the screen again
In all the interupts programs ive seen that scan for keys, always use
the LN key like:
ld a,$11011111 ; check for [LN] press
out (1),a ;
in a,(1) ;
bit 2,a ;
jr z,key ;
xor a ; keep [LN] from repeating
im not sure how i would go about reading another key (whats the
$11011111 come from?)
and eventualy when im done, i exit from the interupts (reti or jp $0038)
and the TI-OS interperts the key responce as well (which i dont want it
as for writing to the screen, doing 'call _puts' seems to eather lock up
the calc, or just display nothing, or a whole bunch of garbarge
is there another way of writing to the screen that does work?
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