re: A83: Most Wanted Question...all six of them.
re: A83: Most Wanted Question...all six of them.
> From: Pat Milheron <>, on 8/12/98 9:52 AM:
> I'll get to these as I have time, I should get to them
> all by the end of the week. Be patient.
> Later,
> Pat
> ----------
> ------------------
> Original text
> From: "James Matthews" <>, on 8/11/98 5:52 PM:
> Coz you punks didn't wanna ask Pat turned out to be "The 6
> Most Wanted"...Oh well. :)
> This is the list:
> 1.) Please explain how we could implement the BASIC Menu( command, if
> possible.
It would be easier to implement this yourself.
> 2.) Please explain how to run BASIC programs.
Put the program name in OP1 and call : ParseInp equ 4E8Ch
> 3.) Please explain how to write our own interrupt routines.
I didn't put a 'hook' in the interrupt routine, as far as
I know you can't have your own.
> 4.) Please explain how to implement the grapher.
To invokoe the grapher call : Regraph equ 4BCCh
this will cause the selected equations in the current graph
mode to be graphed and copied to the graph back up buffer
Calling : PDspGrph equ 4BEBh, will copy the graph from the back up
if it is valid, otherwise it will call regraph.
> 5.) How do you draw circles.
2 ways
1) CircCmd equ 4AD4h Draws a circle using the current graph
window settings.
Set OP1 = X coordinate of center (real)
call Pushrealo1 ; put x on FPS
Set OP1 = Y coordinate of center (real)
call Pushrealo1 ; put y on FPS
Set OP1 = radius of circle (real)
call Pushrealo1 ; put radius on FPS
call CircCmd
2) GrphCirc equ 4AD8h : Draws a circle using pixel coordinates.
(curgx2) equ 8870h = x coordinate of center (1 byte)
(curgy2) equ 886Fh = y coordinate of center (1 byte)
(curgx) equ 886Eh = x coordinate of a point on circumference (1
(curgy) equ 886Dh = y coordinate of a point on circumference (1
call GrphCirc
> 6.) What does PGMIO_EXEC and ASM_IND_CALL do?
Another time.
> Later,
> James.