Re: A83: ASM Help


Re: A83: ASM Help

well i know it doesn't flicker when i mover it slow but what if my program
depends on a sprite running around all the time??

David Phillips wrote:

> Flicker is caused by two things:  slow erase/move/draw cycle and the slow
> lcd refresh rate.  There is nothing you can do about the lcd being slow,
> besides not trying to move graphics too fast.  The other thing that causes
> flicker is waiting too long after you erase the sprite to redraw it.  The
> basic setup for sprites is to erase them, compute their new positions, then
> redraw all of them.  If too much time passes after they are erased before
> they are redrawn, the user will perceive that as flicker.
> However, because the 83 uses a display controller and not a memory mapped
> display, there should not be any flicker caused by this, because it should
> only be dumped to the display controller after the sprites have been
> completely erased and redrawn.  You are probably just moving a sprite too
> fast, as usually happens on your first sprite program where all you do is
> move a sprite around the screen.  Waiting longer in between frames should
> solve your problem.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Hanson <>
> To: <>
> Date: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 8:45 PM
> Subject: Re: A83: ASM Help
> >
> >no im talkin about when its moving across the screen and it still blinks
> even when i
> >make it move 2 pixels at a time
> >Olle Hedman wrote:
> >
> >> The reson why it blinks when you hold down a key is not the
> spriteroutine.. its
> >> in your codeing..  I assume now that you mean it is blinking when you
> hold down
> >> a key, and the sprite isnt moving.. (like its at the edge of the screen
> >> or such..) the way to solve this is to never erase a sprite unless you
> are going
> >> to move it.. i you do..  it will flicker.. I mean..  when its at the
> edge, not
> >> only skip the changeing of spriteposition.. also skip the updating of the
> >> sprite..
> >>
> >> /Olle Hedman - alh
> >>
> >> Gary Hanson wrote:
> >> >
> >> > i already know some basic Assembly for the ti-83 from a help file i
> >> > downloaded but i wanna find out about better stuff like stuff used to
> >> > program pacman for sos and how to set it up to make levels with numbers
> >> > and stuff where can i find out about this plz help i am stuck on a game
> >> >
> >> > also does anyone have a sprite routine that doesn't blink when u hold
> >> > down a key (movax's)
> >> > help!
> >> > felix
> >
> >
