Re: A83: Re: Clearing & xoring rectangles


Re: A83: Re: Clearing & xoring rectangles

Sorry, I accidentally sent this before I was finished.  Please ignore it,
I'll finish converting my HLine/VLine routines and send them tomorrow.
Everything below the adc hl,bc is trash.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Phillips <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, October 25, 1998 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: A83: Re: Clearing & xoring rectangles

>HLine: (not tested)
>; IN: d = x1, e = x2, l = y
> lh h,0            ; clear high byte
> sla l             ; * 2
> sla l             ; * 4
> ld b,l            ; save y * 4
> sla l             ; * 8
> rl h              ; handle overflow
> ld a,l            ; get low byte
> add a,b           ; add saved value (*4 + *8 = *12)
> ld l,a            ; save low byte
> ld bc,VRAM        ; VRAM = start of video ram (graph buffer)
> adc hl,bc         ; compute pointer, including overflow from *4 + *8
> ld a,d            ; get x1
> sub e             ; compute x2-x1
> jr nc,HLineP      ; if it's positive, continue
> neg               ; make it positive
> ld a,d            ; get x1
> and %11111000     ; clear lower 3 bits