Re: A83: random 3
Re: A83: random 3
_random puts a number between 0 and 1 into op1, to use it:
call _random
ld hl,5
call _setxxxxop2
call _fpmult
call _int
call _convop1
ex hl,de ;this may be de,hl
ld de,1
call _cphlde
jp z, youroutinehere
opps... looks kinda lopsided, well change the ld de and the mult number and
it should fix that....
-----Original Message-----
From: Ahmed El-Helw <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, October 18, 1998 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: A83: random 3
>i think it generates a random number between 0 and op1..
>perhaps you can use Jimmy's PRandom routine in Solytare 83 source...
>At 01:34 PM 10/18/98 EDT, you wrote:
>>At i found a call called _RANDOM.
>>Does anyone know how this works?
>Ahmed El-Helw
>ICQ : 3350394