Re: A83: Mac link
Re: A83: Mac link
Down there again. Sorry to anyone who thinks this to be OT, but if you use a Mac, you'd understand ;-) wrote:
> >problem transferring any programs to my calc. Don't open them - just use
> >AutoType and send them through the graph link software.
> Preach it brother! hehe, thats exactly what I've been saying, but people keep
> talking about something called ResEdit, but I believe TIAutoType is much
> easier. Also, that thing I heard about configuring your internet program to
> set the filetype correctly, when decompressing, and that sounds even easier,
> but I have AOL, and suppose its not possible... =P
ResEdit, RESource EDITor. It's a cool Apple app that hasn't been updated for a few years and allows you to look at the resource fork
of apps to "borrow" the pict, icon, sound, and other resources. It's main use is to create and modify resources when writing an app.
Available somewhere on Apple's FTP site.What do you use to open zips? (Or is it built into AOL's software?) If you tell it not to
open zip files then you should be able to use ZipIt (shareware) to open the zips. You use InternetConfig (freeware app used by almost
every internet app) to set up the file extension map for progs that support it, like ZipIt. AOL's software may also support PC
Exchange (control panel that comes with OS), you just type in the DOS extension, like.83p, find the GraphLink App and select 83p from
the popup menu and voíla, no more AutoType OR ResEdit (most of the time) It also does that to any PC floppy inserted into the drive
so if you have some progs from your PC toting friends, you can just insert the disk and be done with it.
> >How many people on the list are mac users? Maybe we should write a mac
> >assembler if there is enough demand. I thought about doing it, but figured
> >something like three people would actually use it, making it really just
> >a big
> >waste of my time.
> >
I'd probably try it... I may try ASM soon either way... I'm building a PC and it should be finished in 2 months (All I need to finish
it is money. ;-) )
> >Marc
> Well, you've probably heard of CAZ, the closest thing to an assembler for
I looked at it and drug it to the trash can!