Jkhum98@aol.com wrote:
>> 1. Get the TI Graphlink cable and get a MacI didn't know that, TI must be cheap.
>> modem cable.
>Why not use the cable adaptor that comes with the GraphLink?Well, if he bought the CableOnly Package like I did (which is about 15 bucks
cheaper), then it doesnt come with the needed adapters, and you can just get
the right one at a store somewhere...
I installed it anyways too, I think without it, the little fake calc on screen will have messed up buttons, but for sending, who cares!>
>> Make sure to put the TI-83 font in the system folder!
>That's not too importantYup, its not really... Only if you'd use that font in your word processor, or
something, but why not install that font file? Its there... =P
Sure it's an opinion. Actually, I don't need TIAutoType or ResEdit because when I download the zip files I use ZipIt to unzip them. I found out it uses InternetConfig's extension mapping so I mapped .83g, .83p, .83i, etc. to the type and creator. Now it's fully automated! (I also have PC Exchange to automatically identify these files off of PC disks.)>
>> 3. Download the programs you want to send to your
>> calc and uncompress them, and change their file
>> type and creater codes to 83P, TI83 using Resedit.
>ResEdit's the only way to go!Ok, is that an Opinion because TIAutoType IS out there...? And I think its
MUCH easier to use... Maybe theres a different version of it than the one I
have, since I have a Power Mac, but mine is a Drag 'n Drop program, so it is
Very simple (which would be My opinion, if ya wanna know... =P )
>Yep and it rules! (Even though it's old ;-) ) (Duo 280c)
>> 4. Plug the serial end of the modem cable into either the
>> printer port or the modem port, and plug the 25 pin end
>> of the Graphlink cable into the other end of the modem cable.
>> Make sure no other applications are using the serial port you
>> chose.
>Only one port on my DuoOk, well thats Your computer... :)
>> 9. Click Send, (or Done - I can't remember which it is :)I think I'll try it on my Power Mac and see what happens, or maybe my Mac SE! ;-) It could be that the Mac GraphLink just doesn't like my one serial port situation. When ASM progs first came out, I could send them to my calc perfectly. When squishing began, it couldn't send squished apps. Basically, it does the same think to a squished prog as it would do if you tried to send in a Word document. (Although I also had a Duo 230 w/Sys 7.5.5 way back when... Now I have OS 8.1...)
>> 10. Click Close
>It flies through the sending procedure and fills up the bar, but nothing
>shows up on the calc! (Older unsquished progs do work, though)
>Hmm, Im not sure about this one. Everything works just fine for me. Ive never
experienced that, so you may have to consult TI Themselves... ;)
p.s. sorry if any PC users are getting indigestion from reading more than one sentence about a Mac! ;-)