Re: A83: Re: A ROM call


Re: A83: Re: A ROM call

Yes, but since it doesn't matter we should do what's documented. And the
documented way of doing it is specifying 5 as the generic proram type.


On 14-Oct-98, Joe Wingbermuehle wrote:

>Why not use type 6? The routine will take either 5 or 6 and treat them both
>the same :P

>Joe Wingbermuehle

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Linus Akesson <>
>To: Joe Wingbermuehle <>
>Date: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 4:59 PM
>Subject: Re: A83: Re: A ROM call

>>Yep, 442ah = _CHKFINDSYM will do in both cases. When looking up a
>>non-prog/non-list you can also use rst 16, which is a bit smaller. But
>>there's one thing; never specify the type 6 when trying to find protected
>>programs - always use 5.
>>On 14-Oct-98, Joe Wingbermuehle wrote:
>>>$442A will work the same way as your second one I think.
>>>input: op1->type,program (load something like 6,"PROGRAM",0 into op1)
>>>output: hl->vat entry, de->program data (first 2 bytes are size)
>>>Joe Wingbermuehle
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Evil Sam <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Date: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 3:14 PM
>>>Subject: A83: A ROM call
>>>>  I need an 83 equivolent for either of these 82 ROM_CALLs for Plain
>>>>Jump 83:
>>>>---- CALL 20EB ---- Search for program by name
>>>>Searches the program VAT for a program. info in OP1.
>>>>Result: HL = pointer to VAT entry
>>>>        DE = Pointer to data space
>>>>---- CALL 213E ---- Serach for variable by token/name
>>>>Seraches VAT to find variable. infor in op1. works for all types.
>>>>Result: HL = pointer to VAT entry
>>>>        DE = Pointer to data space
>>>> Thank you,
>>>>   Sam
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