Re: A83: ...tutorials 33 & 34...
Re: A83: ...tutorials 33 & 34...
>Yes... ok... but, why did TI choose 821Ch? Why not op1 & op2? Is
Because OPX are 11-bytes long and apparently 821C is 16/17 bytes
>RAM used for anything else? Other ROM calls? Can I use it for
>variables if I don't need the input routines?
>BTW, I'd like to thank that great ti-83 wizard, whoever he is ;)
It's the all mighty, super arrogant, ultra egotistical Linus Akkeson
>>From Sun
>Oct 11 14:23:48 1998
>>Received: by (VMailer, from userid
>> id 440E1321C5; Sun, 11 Oct 1998 23:23:34 +0200 (CEST)
>>From: Linus Akesson <>
>>To: Henry Davidowich <>
>>Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 23:22:24 +0100
>>Message-ID: <>
>>In-Reply-To: <>
>>X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.5 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
>>Subject: Re: A83: ...tutorials 33 & 34...
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>>Precedence: list
>>On 11-Oct-98, Henry Davidowich wrote:
>>>This question comes from something I read in James Matthews' (great)
>>>tutorials 33 & 34. These tutorials deal with getting string &
>>>input via "pgmio_exec." Both tutorials load the desired prompt
>>>into 821Ch. Why 821Ch? What's this memory used for? How big is
>>>Thanks again.
>>>Get Your Private, Free Email at
>>Because that's where the input routines expect to find a prompt...
>>(17?) bytes, and it was discovered by some great ti-83 wizard, can't
>>the name right now... ehm... sinus?
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