Re: A83: Re: Bugs in Sos v1.5
Re: A83: Re: Bugs in Sos v1.5
On 10-Oct-98, Stefan Lennartsson wrote:
>On Fri, 9 Oct 1998, Linus Akesson wrote:
>> On 09-Oct-98, Joe Wingbermuehle wrote:
>> >Well, you'll all be happy to know I'm working on a new prgmA. This new
>> >will not graph the Y=s (hopefully keeping prgmA the same size...). That
>> >should fix all the problems in SOS.
>> >But, if I can't keep prgmA the same size, I will simply leave it the way
>> >is.
>> >Joe Wingbermuehle
>> >
>> I assume that it will re-enable only the graphs that were enabled when sos
>> was started, and that no matter what mode you are in, it will still work.
>> I still don't think relying on a program called "A" is a good idea. People
>> want to have other programs on their calcs, and the A messes up the program
>> list. Yes, you can live with it, but it doesn't look nice. But the reason I
>> currently refuse to use sos is the fact that you cannot rename prgmA to
>> something else!
>What about using RCL Linus, or otherwise just make a program that do
>all the other stuff is unnecessary unless you don't know how to handle
>your calc.
>Also the name a is good because of two reasons, it'll appear first in the
>prgm menu, therefore it's just to press enter, and it also take up less
>memory with a one letter name.
Yes, I know how to rename a program. But sos assumes that the program is
called prgmA, and THAT's the problem. The name A is NOT good as it'll appear
first in the prgm menu. What if a user writes a program that s/he wants to
have first in the prgm menu? With sos on the calculator that would be
>> >btw, most of the "bug reports" I get have to do with other people's
>> >acting up...
>> Let's just say I'm not surprised...
>> Linus
>I think SOS should be used, but if you make a program that don't uses
>libraries it should have a nop in the beginning so it is executable even
>from ashell if someone wants to, and not do like Ahmed done with ztetris.
And I think sos/ashell should have a mechanism that depends on the User
choosing which programs should be displayed in the menu. There's really no
reason for not doing this, except perhaps that the shell coder is extremely
lazy, but that's not the case, is it?