A83: Linus... TI83 Catalog?
A83: Linus... TI83 Catalog?
Hey, this is more for Linus, cuz I know he understands the internals of the 83
and the z80 a lot, but if anyone else knows (like Pat, even though he rarely
answers mails), I'd like you to inform me about How the TI83's Catalog feature
works? Like everything about it... Where in the ROM does it find a list of
all these functions, and especially _How_ if you could explain... =P Also,
when it knows where to look for these, what is used that allows the user to
Scroll up & down a list of them... Along with this, what would be the best way
to implement a scrolling list-type thing? I want to make some kind of address
book program that recalls the names that the user has typed in, and scroll
those. Would I need to just redraw (place) which strings go in which spots on
the screen every time...? Anyway, back to the Catalog... How does it also work
with the feature of Typing the first letter of the function you want, and then
going to that spot on the list? Ok, get really technical here, if you may,
but I was just wondering... Thanks in advance... =)
--Jason K.