Re: A83: Re: Assembly instructions
Re: A83: Re: Assembly instructions
So, what you're saying is that the z80 tables have some instructions that
won't work on the calcs?
>tst on the x86 is an and instruction that doesn't change any registers
>the flag register (like cp is to sub). Not that tst does anything on
>the z80
>:P it is only for the z180!
>Joe Wingbermuehle
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Linus Akesson <>
>To: Phelan Wolf <>
>Date: Thursday, October 08, 1998 3:57 PM
>Subject: Re: A83: Re: Assembly instructions
>>On 07-Oct-98, Phelan Wolf wrote:
>>>>>silent linking protocol(?)
>>>>What is silent linking?
>>>like what the graph link does, it may be an internal routine to
>>>the link port while on the home screen
>>lol.. yeah right, as a processor instruction! =)
>>My guess: shift left through p/v flag. (?)
>>>>For what?
>>>no clue, I guessed
>>probably like a "cp 0".
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