Re: A83: Could somebody _please_ check this code soon?
Re: A83: Could somebody _please_ check this code soon?
WTF does LDIR have to do with HALT, besiddes the fact that they're oboth
used by the z80
On Thu, 08 Oct 1998 17:36:38 EDT "Phelan Wolf" <>
>thanks, i wasn't sure. I have never used halts, only ldirs.
>-Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
>>you should NOT di.. that is like destroing the whole point of
>>halt is waiting for the next interruppt.. and if you di (disable
>>there will not be one :)
>>ei (enable interupt) would be a much better idea :)
>>Phelan Wolf wrote:
>>> i believe it is the HALTs, I think you need to di, or something
>>> sure, only thing i didn't know, the rest looked fine).
>>> -Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
>>> >I would like to know why this code freezes my calc. It is
>>> >return the legnth of a stirng into MaxXCoord. This should be a
>>> baically
>>> >1-size-fits-all routine, but it doesn't work for me. Just so
>>> sure,
>>> >this has no TASM errors as it is.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Alan
>>> >
>>> ><<<<<<<<<Code Start>>>>>>>>>
>>> >
>>> > ld de,Message
>>> > ld a,0
>>> >GetLenLoop:
>>> > push af
>>> > ld a,(de)
>>> > cp 0
>>> > jr z,ContInit
>>> > ld l,a
>>> > ld h,0
>>> > add hl,hl
>>> > add hl,hl
>>> > add hl,hl
>>> > push de
>>> > call _sfont_len
>>> > pop de
>>> > pop af
>>> > add a,b
>>> > inc de
>>> > jr GetLenLoop
>>> >
>>> >ContInit:
>>> > pop af
>>> > ld b,a
>>> > ld a,95
>>> > sub b
>>> > ld (MaxXCoord),a
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