Re: A83: Re: A Few ASM Questions to all the Gurus out there


Re: A83: Re: A Few ASM Questions to all the Gurus out there

ahh  yes!  forgot..  my stuff would have worked if the key pressed set a bit.. 
combine my tip with this and everything will work fine :)


Joe Wingbermuehle wrote:
> Just so you know, I've never done this, but I think it should work....
> For checking multiple keypresses (for 1 to all) you use direct input to read
> the key code, then you check the bits in a.
> If  you'll notice, a zero indicates that a certain key was pressed:
> kEnter .equ 254 ; %11111110
> kPlus .equ 253 ; %11111101
> kMinus .equ 251 ; %11111011
> kMul .equ 247 ; %11110111
> kDiv .equ 239 ; %11101111
> kPower .equ 223 ; %11011111
> kClear .equ 191 ; %10111111
> If enter and plus were pressed at the same time, you'd end up with %11111100
> in register a. Make sure you take into account the different groups.
> The sprite routine in ZLib already is variable. It supports widths from 1 to
> 8 and heights from 1 to 64.  Use ZGFXL if you need widths from 1 to 96.
> jr is a relative (within approximately 128 bytes) jump.  Use it for
> small/slow jumps.
> jp is jump to anywhere you want. Use it for fast/large jumps.
> call is the same as jp, but it puts the location of the next instruction on
> the stack so when you ret you end up right after the call. You must ret (or
> pop) to get the stack back to a normal level after using call or your
> program will crash.
> Joe Wingbermuehle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Link <>
> To: <>
> Date: Tuesday, October 06, 1998 10:32 PM
> Subject: A83: A Few ASM Questions to all the Gurus out there
> >
> >1st Question:
> > How do I go about acknowledging 2 key presses at once like up-right or
> >down-left...
> >I think Bill Nagel did this is penguins... but there is no code..
> >
> >2nd Question:
> >To Joe Wingbermuehle: Is there any chance the next Zlib library will have a
> >variable width and height sprite routine in it?
> >
> >3rd Question:
> >Could someone explain to me the differences between the commands: call, jr
> >and jp
> >
> >Thanx
> >Bruce
> >
