Re: A83: Menus & ZMENULIB


Re: A83: Menus & ZMENULIB

Library, n.: A separate file containing program code meant to be shared among
several applications.
I know that the word library is often used to refer to a sos library, but
would you believe me if a said that the computer term "library" was founded
somewhat before sos was written? =)

You say that using only sos will cut back on compatibility problems. My reply
is that not using any shell at all would extinguish compatibility problems.

And I don't like the way libraries are handled in sos, I mean, even Joe has
admitted that he wouldn't have used that method if he'd written sos now.


On 04-Oct-98, wrote:

>In a message dated 10/03/98 6:04:03 PM, writes:

>>ZMENULIB is a 395 bytes big file, containing ready-to-use menu code.
>>It is NOT a sos library. Instead, you have to look the program up, and
>>jump to the beginning of it. This way, it can be used by shell-independent
>>programs (AND sos programs of course).

>Hey Linus, nice job on this, but I think its kind of contradictory to make
>this shell-independent, and call it a _Library_ at the same time... =P  I
>personally think that SOS should progress as the main shell (I think other
>people besides Me and Joe use this shell), and this shell is more useful than
>Ashell or running programs from the OS, because of the obvious reason of
>Library Usage... Although, you have a point that any of these methods of
>running programs should be able to use your routine, but why not create a SOS
>library for it, and then people just start coding for SOS... =P  I know I
>shouldn't be bias to anything but SOS, and that it shouldn't monopolize the
>shell usage, but having One shell would cut back on compatibility problems
>competition, for example, look at the shell wars or the 85 and 86 (the 82
>also, but Ash 3.1 will soon resolve that) and think of how Plusshell and
>DoorsOS Compatibility for the 89 at this time are causing conflicts... Is it
>really Morally wrong to have a Specific shell for a calculator and eliminate
>competition? Its not competition for money but more like programmer and shell
>popularity (y'all know it is), but it would make the Users of all the calcs
>(Including the Calculator-Adept Programmers, and the "Calculator Impaired"
>people at school who depend on us for games) it would make everything a
>bit easier to focus on one Shell... Whew, a lot of Preaching in there, did
>that have " News Article" potential, since it was a whole lot of
>crap...? Well anyways, I'm sure Ill get a lot of negative opposition on this,
>Bring It On! =P
>--Jason K.
