A83: Re:
A83: Re:
the ldir command (which stands for load, decrement, increment, and repeat)
is used to copy large amounts of data from one place to the other. It loads
bc bytes from (hl) to (de)...For example:
ld hl,level1
ld de,8265h
ld bc,100
... (level data)
that would load 100 bytes from level to 8265h (aka safescreen on the 83)
-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Davidowich <rdaneelolivaw@hotmail.com>
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Thursday, October 01, 1998 4:46 PM
>I'm new. I have a question. How do I use the "ldir" command. I've
>seen it used to copy strings. I know it loads (de) from (hl) and
>_somehow_ counts with bc. Help please. Thanks.
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