Re: A83: "What?
Re: A83: "What?
In a message dated 11/29/98 7:11:11 PM, writes:
>What is the asm equivalent of doing this in Basic: "HELLO
>What is it storing into when you just put the quotation marks in front
>of the
Are you referring to the kind of input you have to do for ZASMLOAD and SQUISH?
because thats where its most seen like that... You dont have to have the 2nd
quotation mark usually (hmm, there may be a time where you'll have to input
something after that in basic, Oh Ya, like in the "Menu(" command) and
probably in the examples you've seen, it stores it into the ANS variable...
but as far as an ASM equivalent, What are you talking about? =P Storing a
string in an ASM program will require an ending quote, because you'll want to
put a Null after that, Most of the time... =P
--Jason K.