Sv: A83: Sv: Re: Re: permenant mem
Sv: A83: Sv: Re: Re: permenant mem
oh yes ok... well I actually thought that shell-programers only did use jr's and such.... Stupid me I guess..
Anyway, some of the Shells can run the thing much only very little free memory.. Do they like copy x byte from their original location and then move it to 9327h - then move what is lowest in memory (but above 9327h) to the programs old location. - then the same with some more bytes until whole program moved?? Then there must be spend a hell lot of processor cycles on swapping memory forth and back in the beginnging and end...
Please enlighten me.
Thomas Turn Jensen
Icq uin => 8128636
IRC, Undernet => Mukke
Får computeren dig til at sukke?
Så kald da blot på Mukke
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Scott Dial <>
Til: <>
Dato: 24. november 1998 23:13
Emne: Re: A83: Sv: Re: Re: permenant mem
>Incorrect, None of the shells do it from there location in memory
>because you would have to compile the code with the location of the
>beginning of the program in the .org
>Shells will copy the code to 9327h and then back, otherwise all of the
>jp's, jr's and call's within your program would be wrong and would crash
>your calc.
>Thomas Turn Jensen wrote:
>> Not true!
>> By default, programs on the 83 (and probably also the other two) are executed from 9327h
>> It's only shells (don't know which, if not all currently available) that execute the programs from their location in memory. And that is, I think, to save memory but it also gives the automatic write back thing.
>> And just fyi, not everyone likes write back. Nor does everyone use shells.
>> Bottomline => If you're not programming for a shell, your date is not automaticaly saved for next time. If you don't know what I mean by shell, you're not using it :)
>> ***
>> Thomas Turn Jensen
>> Icq uin => 8128636
>> IRC, Undernet => Mukke
>> ***
>> Får computeren dig til at sukke?
>> Så kald da blot på Mukke
>> ***
>> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>> Fra: David Phillips <>
>> Til: <>
>> Dato: 16. november 1998 03:27
>> Emne: A83: Re: Re: permenant mem
>> >
>> >Yes. On the 82/83/85 programs are run from their location in memory, so any
>> >self modifying they do is automatically "written-back" by the shell. So all
>> >you have to do is just change the data, and it will already be saved for
>> >you:
>> >
>> >; I assume that you have variables score and initials in TextShadow or
>> >something
>> >
>> >
>> >ld hl,(score) ; score is 16-bits
>> >ld (HighScore),hl ; self-modify program, save highscore
>> >ld hl,initials ; point to user entered initials
>> > ; this is an example, but it would be better
>> > ; to save them as they enter them, instead of copying
>> >ld bc,3 ; 3 initials, 3 bytes...
>> >ld de,HighName ; save them to the program's memory
>> >ldir ; now copy them
>> >
>> >HighScore:
>> > .dw 0
>> >HighName:
>> > .db "JOE",0
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Miles Raymond <>
>> >To: <>
>> >Date: Sunday, November 15, 1998 11:50 AM
>> >Subject: A83: Re: permenant mem
>> >
>> >
>> >>
>> >>Assembly programs modify themselves to include the highscore. Take a look
>> >>at some code to score-saving games such as Tetris. I assume that you are
>> >>talking about assembly programs, since this is an assembly list...
>> >>
>> >>-Miles Raymond
>> >>
>> >>-----Original Message-----
>> >>From: The Man in the Moon <>
>> >>To: assembly digest <>
>> >>Date: Sunday, November 15, 1998 6:50 AM
>> >>Subject: A83: permenant mem
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>Where do progs store info to be used later on that can't be deleted by the
>> >>>user (I mean not storing in user var X). Something like high scores, etc.
>> >>>
>> >>>From: Chris
>> >>>(Man in the Moon)
>> >>>
>> >
>> >
>Scott Dial