Re: A83: Sv: Re: Re: permenant mem


Re: A83: Sv: Re: Re: permenant mem

Incorrect, None of the shells do it from there location in memory
because you would have to compile the code with the location of the
beginning of the program in the .org

Shells will copy the code to 9327h and then back, otherwise all of the
jp's, jr's and call's within your program would be wrong and would crash
your calc.

Thomas Turn Jensen wrote:
> Not true!
> By default, programs on the 83 (and probably also the other two) are executed from 9327h
> It's only shells (don't know which, if not all currently available) that execute the programs from their location in memory. And that is, I think, to save memory but it also gives the automatic write back thing.
> And just fyi, not everyone likes write back. Nor does everyone use shells.
> Bottomline => If you're not programming for a shell, your date is not automaticaly saved for next time. If you don't know what I mean by shell, you're not using it :)
> ***
> Thomas Turn Jensen
> Icq uin => 8128636
> IRC, Undernet => Mukke
> ***
> Får computeren dig til at sukke?
> Så kald da blot på Mukke
> ***
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: David Phillips <>
> Til: <>
> Dato: 16. november 1998 03:27
> Emne: A83: Re: Re: permenant mem
> >
> >Yes.  On the 82/83/85 programs are run from their location in memory, so any
> >self modifying they do is automatically "written-back" by the shell.  So all
> >you have to do is just change the data, and it will already be saved for
> >you:
> >
> >; I assume that you have variables score and initials in TextShadow or
> >something
> >
> >
> >ld hl,(score)        ; score is 16-bits
> >ld (HighScore),hl    ; self-modify program, save highscore
> >ld hl,initials       ; point to user entered initials
> >                     ; this is an example, but it would be better
> >                     ; to save them as they enter them, instead of copying
> >ld bc,3              ; 3 initials, 3 bytes...
> >ld de,HighName       ; save them to the program's memory
> >ldir                 ; now copy them
> >
> >HighScore:
> > .dw 0
> >HighName:
> > .db "JOE",0
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Miles Raymond <>
> >To: <>
> >Date: Sunday, November 15, 1998 11:50 AM
> >Subject: A83: Re: permenant mem
> >
> >
> >>
> >>Assembly programs modify themselves to include the highscore.  Take a look
> >>at some code to score-saving games such as Tetris.  I assume that you are
> >>talking about assembly programs, since this is an assembly list...
> >>
> >>-Miles Raymond
> >>
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: The Man in the Moon <>
> >>To: assembly digest <>
> >>Date: Sunday, November 15, 1998 6:50 AM
> >>Subject: A83: permenant mem
> >>
> >>
> >>>Where do progs store info to be used later on that can't be deleted by the
> >>>user (I mean not storing in user var X). Something like high scores, etc.
> >>>
> >>>From: Chris
> >>>(Man in the Moon)
> >>>
> >
> >

Scott Dial
