Re: A83: Re: Productive Progs: Printing
Re: A83: Re: Productive Progs: Printing
Dont you understand, why you make programs is just for the fun of doing it
I mean if you're making a graph on the calc to print it on the computer
why not use excel instead?
But if you build a printer that would be so cool and fun to develop.
On Mon, 23 Nov 1998, Justin Karneges wrote:
> Not a bad idea. We could actually save ourselves a step by using the
> already existing TI Winlink software (so that we don't have to write our own
> communications program). A word processor for the calc needs to be made
> that will save the file in a string or something and then a program on the
> PC to turn the string (.83S file) into a text file. If we wanted to be even
> cooler, the word processor would support fonts and bold/italic/underline.
> Though it may be difficult to represent on the calc, as long as we know what
> is going to be what in the end then it doesn't matter how it looks on the
> calc. Anyways, the TI-83 word processor could put in font/style codes
> embedded in the .83S and then the PC program could turn the .83S file into a
> .DOC instead of a .TXT.
> This way, we can use the standard graphlink and print fully styled and
> fonted documents on a nearby computer. Type your essay on the calc in first
> period, and print during passing period at the library. Just in time for
> second period english!
> -Justin Karneges [Infiniti]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Date: Sunday, November 22, 1998 4:18 PM
> Subject: Re: A83: Re: Productive Progs: Printing
> >
> >Why not make your program send data to a program on your computer much like
> >the ROM dump programs do. At that time you could have the choice of
> printing
> >it out (on a real printer on real paper) or saving your data. I am not
> sure
> >if this has been mentioned yet. Sorry if I am repeating something already
> >mentioned.
> >