Re: A83: reading external strings
Re: A83: reading external strings
I don't know exactly what you wnna do but here the code to find the
call _zeroop1 ; Clear op1
ld hl,Progname ; HL->Progname
ld de,op1 ; DE->op1
ld bc,5 ; BC=Name Legnth+1
ldir ; Copy to op1
call _chkfindsym ; HL->size of prog, DE->sym table entry
ret c ; If the prog isn't there, return
ex de,hl ; Exchange HL and DE
ld d,(hl) ; DE=Prog size
inc hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl ; HL->First byte of data
; Now you do whatever you want with the strings in the prog
.db 5,"Prog" ; 5=objnumber, Replace PROG with program name
If you now want to read one character and display it do this:
ld a,(hl) ; A=CHaracter
call _putc ; Disp character
Now supposing you wnated to display the whole program/string, you could
do this from the first part of code:
ld a,(hl) ; A=CHaracter
call _putc ; Disp character
dec de ; DE=DE-1
ld a,d ; A=D
or e ; Is DE 0
jr nz,Disp ; If not, do it again
See ya,
On Sat, 21 Nov 1998 13:42:11 -0800 "The Man in the Moon" <>
>Any way to read external strings from an outside program that is all
>From: Chris
>(Man in the Moon)
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