A83: Printing
A83: Printing
You can only print on old 24 pin printers or something of that sort for
2 reasons.
1) (Most) Newer printers use what is called bi-direction parrallel
cables which allow the cpu to talk to the printer and the reverse.
2) Most printers will require specific drivers that are not
Also, you will have crappy (Sometimes reffered to as draft style)
printings, because you cannot have any fonts.
Vincent99@aol.com wrote:
> <<Actually, if you are using a parallel link cable, I'm sure you could make a
> program that would print out on a nearby printer. IE, type your essay on
> the calc in first period and then between 1st and 2nd (assuming it's due 2nd
> period) go to the library and hook up w/ a printer. Of course, you could
> just upload the file to the computer and print, but that requires the
> software to be installed (the TI winlink) and some school libraries have
> protection against such installs.
> - -Justin Karneges [Infiniti]>>
> Would it be possible to make a printer similar to the one they have for Game
> Boy Camera for use with a TI(or even use the Game Boys??)? Besides for
> printing essays, I was thinking more along the lines of whipping out your
> battery-powered printer from your back pack in math, graphing the function the
> book insists on you graphing for your homework, printing the graph onto
> sticky-backed paper, and then sticking the graph onto your homework.
> Trés cool, IMO, and I would think it has to be possible(although possible
> isn't always practical) if a Game Boy can do it; Maybe there's hardware specs
> for the Nintendo printer on their web site...
> Any ideas?
> --Vincent
Scott Dial