A83: Re: Communication


A83: Re: Communication

Check out Telnet83 at http://www.community.net/~jman/telnet83.html
It's a VT-100 terminal program for the TI-83.  Since the graphlink is a
RS-232 compatible device, not only can you control an external modem with
it, but you can also talk to your PC using it.

Put Telnet83 on your calc and connect your calc to you PC using the
graphlink, then go and run Hyperterminal (or any terminal program you like)
and be sure to make the comport settings "9600bps, N, 8, 1" with flow
control off.  You will now be able to type back and forth between the PC and

The source comes with Telnet83, but the link routines are hard to read
(since they are straight from vertigo) so I recommend getting the routines
from a game like Ztetris.  As for the PC, there are a thousand books about
comport communication in C.  Just go find a book.  Even "Tricks of the Game
Programming Gurus" by Andre Lamoth covers comports.

Good luck!

-Justin Karneges [Infiniti]

-----Original Message-----
From: ceebje <B.J.Ellis@hw.ac.uk>
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Monday, November 16, 1998 3:18 AM
Subject: A83: Communication

>Anouther little query:
>See that little cable that sticks out the calc?
>Yeh, wouldent it be really neat if we could use
>that with a PC.
>I've used the GraphLink software, and found it
>to be very good, but now want to work round it.
>I have seen a program which dumps the rom of the
>calc to the PC, by some weird calc program working
>alongside a PC program. This rocks.
>Is there some very, (very) easy examples of this -
>for example send one letter to the Pc - using a
>Ti-Assem program on the calc and a C++ program
>on the Pc?
>Ps. It just has to be C++!
>Bill James Ellis
>Heriot-Watt University