Re: A83: Compare from 'hl'...? (AND ZMENULIB).
Re: A83: Compare from 'hl'...? (AND ZMENULIB).
Well, you should have asked Linus first anyway =p
See ya,
>Well, thanks for nobody replying to this mail that I asked the list a
>of days ago... (Im replying to my own mail here) =P That's ok though,
>I found
>out that I was totally off on how to use the number that is outputed
>Linus' new Menu Routines... I asked him and he told me that he forgot
>document that, and if he was still on this list he could tell you
>himself, but
>this is what he said to me... And I Quote:
>"Jee, I sort of forgot documenting that.. =) It's the submenu number
>in h and
>the menu item number in l. Submenus start from 0, items start from 1.
>So if
>you just have one sub menu, you ld a,l and get on from there,
>otherwise you
>ld a,h and jump to different portions of code for the different sub
>portions that begin by doing a ld a,l... Hope you get it, the main
>thing is
>that h=submenu and l=item.
>Yup, well, I hope that helped somebody just in case theyre using this
>his Menu
>Emulating program... It helped me a lot though, my program is in
>again... =P
>Hey Joe (if youre reading this) could you make a SOS Library out of
>routine, even though Linus highly emphasized in his documentation
>NOT a SOS library!" and that is just for people who choose not to be
>specific. It shouldnt just stop there, though. Linus should let you
>include it
>as a SOS library Also... It would be easier to use by calling it from
>ZLIB or
>whatever, instead of requiring the user to have another file on their
>when I would need ZLIB and ZGFXL anyways... Hmm, whatever... =P
> --Jason
>In a message dated 11/06/98 8:46:14 PM, writes:
>>Whats the best way to test a 16-Bit Number in 'hl'? I'm using
>>new Menu Emulator and when you choose an item from the menu, it
>>outputs a value to 'hl'... If you choose from the first submenu, its
>>number from 1-256 and I know how to test that with a compare, but
>>from the other submenus, the value is a 16-Bit Number... how do I
>>for that? Would this routine work...? My program crashes, but Im not
>>sure if its this routine or something else, but can somebody check
>>or give me a better way...? Thanks. =)
>> --Jason
>>;choosing the first item from the 2nd submenu,
>>;it outputs the value '257' to 'hl'...
>> ld a, 255
>> call _SETXXOP1
>> call _PLUS1
>> call _SETXXXXOP2
>> call _INVSUB
>> call _OP2TOOP1
>> call _CONVOP1
>> ex de, hl
>> ld a, l
>> cp 1
>> jp z, Label
>> etc...
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