Re: A83: Compare from 'hl'...? (AND ZMENULIB).


Re: A83: Compare from 'hl'...? (AND ZMENULIB).

Well, thanks for nobody replying to this mail that I asked the list a couple
of days ago... (Im replying to my own mail here) =P  That's ok though, I found
out that I was totally off on how to use the number that is outputed from
Linus' new Menu Routines... I asked him and he told me that he forgot to
document that, and if he was still on this list he could tell you himself, but
this is what he said to me... And I Quote:

"Jee, I sort of forgot documenting that.. =) It's the submenu number in h and
the menu item number in l. Submenus start from 0, items start from 1. So if
you just have one sub menu, you ld a,l and get on from there, otherwise you
ld a,h and jump to different portions of code for the different sub menus,
portions that begin by doing a ld a,l... Hope you get it, the main thing is
that h=submenu and l=item.


Yup, well, I hope that helped somebody just in case theyre using this his Menu
Emulating program... It helped me a lot though, my program is in progress
again... =P

Hey Joe (if youre reading this) could you make a SOS Library out of this
routine, even though Linus highly emphasized in his documentation "ZMENULIB is
NOT a SOS library!" and that is just for people who choose not to be Shell
specific. It shouldnt just stop there, though. Linus should let you include it
as a SOS library Also... It would be easier to use by calling it from ZLIB or
whatever, instead of requiring the user to have another file on their calc,
when I would need ZLIB and ZGFXL anyways... Hmm, whatever... =P
																--Jason K.

In a message dated 11/06/98 8:46:14 PM, writes:

>Whats the best way to test a 16-Bit Number in 'hl'?  I'm using Linus'
>new Menu Emulator and when you choose an item from the menu, it
>outputs a value to 'hl'... If you choose from the first submenu, its a
>number from 1-256 and I know how to test that with a compare, but
>from the other submenus, the value is a 16-Bit Number... how do I test
>for that? Would this routine work...? My program crashes, but Im not
>sure if its this routine or something else, but can somebody check this
>or give me a better way...? Thanks. =)
>															--Jason K.
>;choosing the first item from the 2nd submenu,
>;it outputs the value '257' to 'hl'...
>	ld a, 255
>	call _SETXXOP1
>	call _PLUS1
>	call _SETXXXXOP2
>	call _INVSUB
>	call _OP2TOOP1
>	call _CONVOP1
>	ex de, hl
>	ld a, l
>	cp 1
>	jp z, Label
>	etc...