Re: A83: Re: Many Pixels... Routine? =P
Re: A83: Re: Many Pixels... Routine? =P
I highly suggest that you get familiar witth bit masks
On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 22:18:13 EST writes:
>In a message dated 11/02/98 9:57:27 PM, writes:
>>What exactly are you trying to do?
>I want to be able to list the coordinates somewhere in the program
>like so...
>X_Data: .db 14, 28, 29, 32, 96, 4, 35, etc.
>Y_Data: .db 63, 25, 78, 79, 22, 12, 61, etc. (Just examples)
>...and then load the labels into registers to point to that data, then
>how many pixels for it to plot... 'ld b, 7' since there's seven values
>in that
>These are all various points that I know I want to plot throughout the
>and have no order to use a large sprite routine for, so I want to be
>able to
>just let it plot anything I list. Since it will be Many pixels, it
>write them to the Graph Buffer, and then I can copy the buffer to the
>>You can use or write your own FindPixel function, which is a
>>function that you pass the X,Y coords (usually in BC or DE) that
>>returns the address in the video buffer of the pixel and the
>>bitmask of the pixel in A. It would look like this:
>>ld bc,(19<<8)+37 ; draw pixel at (19, 37)
>>call FindPixel
>>or (hl) ; set the pixel in the video buffer
>>ld (hl),a ; and save it, because "or (hl)" saves it in A
>Ok, I'm not quite familiar with all that yet, like using bitmasks and
>such, so
>it would be very helpful if I could have a routine that carries out
>function, and I can learn off of that... I see your example will write
>individual point, but I need a routine that will go down this array
>coordinate data, looking up each point, then incrementing to the next
>of data in the series of '.db's...
> --Jason
See ya,
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