Re: A83: Many Pixels... Routine? =P


Re: A83: Many Pixels... Routine? =P

I don't see why you can't do it yourself.  You seem to klnow plenty about
ASM.  Check out Movax or Joe's sprite routines to find alittle more info
on how to convert coordinates into memory locations and how you can set
the right bits

>What's the best way to plot many pixels to the display...?   Could 
>write me a routine that would read the values for the coordinates in 
>an array
>of databytes somewhere in the program, and write them to the graph 
>I was thinking something like this...
>Input:    de = Location to point to, for beginning of data for X 
>             hl = Location to point to, for beginning of data for Y
>             b = Number of Pixels to plot (I figured, use 'b' to use 
>             c = Color for all of the Pixels to plot...
>Output:  All of the Pixels are written to the Buffer with the 
>specified Color.
>I tried something simple already that would just read the current 
>location of
>'de' and 'hl' so they are used together and put into 'bc' for use 
>'_IPoint', plotting each point, and then increasing the pointer 
>location, but
>I just got all confused with the push/pops 'n stuff, because '_Ipoint' 
>different registers... =P 
>Can somebody write out this routine for me, or is there a much better 
>way to
>do this by using Bit manipulation 'n stuff...? Thanks for your help, 
>																--Jason 

       See ya,

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