Re: A83: Compiler
Re: A83: Compiler
As you say yourself.. it is a bit of a matter of definitions..
but the end is "linker = 'program that put together a bunch of object-files and
binaries to some kind of "executable" file'"
For "assembly studio" I use UltraEdit.. and I have defined Cntrl+Shift+0
to run Tasm on the active file, and then Cntrl+Shift+1 to run my paralellink
software.. Works pretty smooth :) But.. I have tried Assembly Studio 86, and it
is really great.. Nice Idea with the sprite editor and all... the only thing i
miss is the good editor that UltraEdit Have.. :)
David Phillips wrote:
> Actually, what you are talking about isn't technically a "linker". A linker
> "links" the object code with all of the required libraries and such that a
> program needs. A C compiler, for example, first compiles the code into an
> object file. The linker looks at the object file and includes all the
> library functions that are called by the compiled C code. The "linker" you
> are talking about merely adds the header information to the raw object file
> so that it is recoginized by your link software. They do serve the same
> purpose, though...
> (I don't know if there is one for the 83, but most people use Assembly
> Studio 86 for the 86, which assembles programs and turns them into .86p
> files all by itself, no "linker" required. Having an editor and assembler
> that creates the program file all in one Win32 app saves lots of time. If
> someone is looking for a project for the 83, this would be a great one...)