Re: A83: Re: What to use


Re: A83: Re: What to use

For the user, it makes running programs much easier (especially for people
who have to get help with stuff like turning it on and graphing equations).
For the programmer, it supports things like libraries and relocation that
makes your life much easier.  To be complete, I pasted the feature list from

One thing I would like to know is what "program write back" means, if
programs are executed in the same memory that they are stored in.  For
example, on the 86 there is a special area of ram set aside just to run
assembly programs, where programs are copied from whatever ram page they
live at to the "_asm_exec_ram".  Program write back in this case would be
copying the memory from the asm exec ram back to their respective ram page.
On the 83, does this mean that the VAT is rearranged afterwards to the state
it was in before?

(as a note, I would not consider complete program write back to be a good
thing, because it does not allow extreme self modifying code/data)

from sos.txt...

Here is a list of features:
 -Basic Shell Features
  -Allows for libraries containing commonly used routines.
  -Automatically detects assembly langauge and BASIC programs.
  -Assembly language programs can run with only 697 bytes of free ram.
  -Program write back for assembly language programs.
  -Requires very little memory.
  -Runs all AShell and SOS programs.
 -Interface Features
  -Allows for contrast changing.
  -Shows program size and free memory (actual amount free for programs).
 -Navigational Features
  -Allows up to 254 programs to be on your calculator at a time.
  -Eight programs are visible at a time.
  -Saves the highlighted program while in SOS.
 -Power Saving Features
  -Allows power down from within the shell.
  -Consumes little power while in the shell.
  -Supports APD (Auto Power Down).

-----Original Message-----
From: Velex <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, November 02, 1998 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: A83: Re: What to use

>David Phillips wrote:
>> I personally would use a TI-83 or an emulator such as TI-8X emulator.
>> Not to start a flame war, but SOS seems to be the best and most supported
>> shell for the 83, especially considering it's still under development and
>> my knowledge, AShell is not.  SOS will run all SOS and AShell programs,
>> AShell will not run SOS programs.  Too bad you need a shell to
>> run asm on the 83...
>I have a newbie question :) : What kind of advantage does SOS give the
>programmer/user over a normal Send(9prgmZWHTEVER line in prgmWHATEVER?
>Adam Loutzenhiser, professional serf of West Ottawa High School
>[]  [ICQ: 17091343]
