Re: A83: Would it be rational...?


Re: A83: Would it be rational...?

Finding the sin/cos tables in the RAM would be easier said than done.
Besides, having something like that would be stupid because of all the
possibilities.  Sure, you'd have a table of all the sin/cos/tan answers to
all the degrees (radians) from 0 to 90, but at what incriment?  etc, etc..

In other words, I doubt that TI could fit any sin/cos/tan lookuptables in
their puny, 262k RAM.  It would be great, though!

Does NEbody have the book (or heard or it) "Tricks of the Game Programming
Gurus,"  or any other Andre LaMothe books?  That's where I found a good
tutorial/engine for a ray caster.  Using an equation he provided, I would
need 564 elements for each table (94 * 360 / 60), or 141 if you only
compute the 0-90 degrees, or 282 for 0-180...  Blah, blah, blah. The thing
I'm concerned about mostly is messing with all those floating reals!  Ick.
That itself would take forever!

Any ideas?

