A83: Petition...
A83: Petition...
Guys, please e-mail me, not A83...thanks. It's a bitch for me to sift
through all the mail from ticalc.org, to find your email addresses etc...
Again, send it to matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp with the subject "petition"...that
way it drops right into a folder I've created just for the petition...
PS: About the letter -- that one was still a little abrupt, we don't wanna
piss them off :)...if you guys can come up with a 'softer' one, I feel
that'd be better. We have 21 signatures so far...
James Matthews.
E-mail (family): matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp
E-mail (private): james_matthews@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://home.att.ne.jp/gold/tomcat21/index.html
ICQ: 7413754