A83: Re: Disasm


A83: Re: Disasm

Woah, that's pretty impressive...yeah, you're correct...here's the original

.NOLIST					;1
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"


.org 9327h

  call _clrLCDFull
  ld hl,0000h				
  ld (pencol),hl
  ld hl,law0
  call _vputs
  ld hl,0800h				
  ld (pencol),hl
  ld hl,law1				;20
  call _vputs
  ld hl,1000h				
  ld (pencol),hl
  ld hl,law2
  call _vputs
  ld hl,1800h				
  ld (pencol),hl
  ld hl,law3
  call _vputs
  ld hl,2000h				;30
  ld (pencol),hl
  ld hl,law4
  call _vputs
  ld hl,2800h				
  ld (pencol),hl
  ld hl,law5
  call _vputs
  ld hl,3000h				
  ld (pencol),hl
  ld hl,law6
  call _vputs
  ld hl,3800h				
  ld (pencol),hl
  ld hl,law7
  call _vputs
  call _getkey				;Get a key...
  cp 09h
  jr z,exit
  jp main

;  Exit routine.

  call _clrLCDfull
  call _homeup
  ld hl,exittext
  call _puts

law0:       .db "Eh=Heat Energy;",0
law1:       .db "(E)nergy;(P)ower",0
law2:       .db "(J)oule=kgxm^2/s^2;",0
law3:       .db "Hertz=s^-1;Light=3x10^8",0
law4:       .db "m/s;1Newton=1kg m/s2",0
law5:       .db "Newton2:f=ma;momentum",0
law6:       .db "(p)=mv;(I)mpulse=F¾t",0
law7:		.db "(w)ork=F¾d;(P)ower=W/¾t",0
exittext:   .db "by J.Matthews!",0


Pretty impressive...anyway, lets stop this shall we :)...



James Matthews.
E-mail (family):    matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp
E-mail (private):  james_matthews@hotmail.com

Homepage:  http://home.att.ne.jp/gold/tomcat21/index.html
ICQ:  7413754

> From: Stefan Lennartsson <stefan@infinity.hemmet.s-hem.chalmers.se>
> To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: A83: Disasm
> Date: Friday, June 05, 1998 2:33 AM
> Here you go James.
> The program becomes a little bit strange I think but it should be
> right disassembled and does not look like Jimmys crazy disassembling
> Tell me if there's something wrong.
> /Stefan