Re: A83: Re: Off Subject : Power supply
Re: A83: Re: Off Subject : Power supply
Sorry, I was just checking, cause there are people out there that don't know
about anything about that sort of thing and would do it, (IE stuff up and
kill their calculator.).
>From Conway
-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Conner <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, 28 May 1998 16:56
Subject: Re: A83: Re: Off Subject : Power supply
>Oh... sorry its DC 6 Volts 100mA not AC, I wasn't thinking. I know
>not to give it to much power.
>4 * 1.5 = 6
>>Pardon, are you feeding AC to the calc. or a version >of DC such as
>>rectified or full rectified? Are you regulating the >supply? I know
>>calc dosn't draw much current but have you used a >couple of smoothing
>>capacitors? Are you feeding the calculator it's 6Volts >or somthing
>>I suggest not to do this if any of the above hasn't >been done.
>>From Conway
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