A83: Protecting Programs


A83: Protecting Programs

i may be a little late on this (because i didn't answer my mail all
weekend) but there is already a program that does this. that program
doesn't have source included so i made my own.

here is the source for the programs that protect and unprotect programs.
to use them put the name of the program to (un)protect in Ans then run




#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"

strngobj .equ 04h
progobj .equ 05h
protprogobj .equ 06h
_errundefined .equ 467Bh
_errsyntax .equ 466Ch
_findsym .equ 442Eh

.org 9327h

     call _zerooop1       ; load var name "Ans"
     ld a,tAns            ;
     ld (op1+1),a         ;
     call _findsym        ; look up
     jp c,_errundefined   ; if it is not found error
     and 1fh              ; mask off bits 0-4
     cp strngobj          ; check if data is a string
     jp nz,_errsyntax     ; if not error
     ld hl,op1            ; object type program
     ld (hl),progobj      ; object type into op1
     inc hl               ; next byte
     ld a,(de)            ; get size of name
     ld c,a               ; size to bc
     ld b,0               ;
     inc de               ; skip 1st length byte of Ans
     inc de               ; skip 2nd length byte of Ans
     ex de,hl             ; exchange de and hl
     ldir                 ; copy name to op1
     call _chkfindsym     ; look up program
     jp c,_errundefined   ; if it is not found error
     ld (hl),protprogobj  ; make protected



#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"

strngobj .equ 04h
progobj .equ 05h
_errundefined .equ 467Bh
_errsyntax .equ 466Ch
_findsym .equ 442Eh

.org 9327h

     call _zerooop1      ; load var name "Ans"
     ld a,tAns           ;
     ld (op1+1),a        ;
     call _findsym       ; look up
     jp c,_errundefined  ; if it is not found error
     and 1fh             ; mask off bits 0-4
     cp strngobj         ; check if data is a string
     jp nz,_errsyntax    ; if not error
     ld hl,op1           ; object type program
     ld (hl),progobj     ; object type into op1
     inc hl              ; next byte
     ld a,(de)           ; get size of name
     ld c,a              ; size to bc
     ld b,0              ;
     inc de              ; skip 1st length byte of Ans
     inc de              ; skip 2nd length byte of Ans
     ex de,hl            ; exchange de and hl
     ldir                ; copy name to op1
     call _chkfindsym    ; look up program
     jp c,_errundefined  ; if it is not found error
     ld (hl),progobj     ; make unprotected
