Re: A83: help


Re: A83: help

On Sat, 23 May 1998, Heydude27 wrote:

> Could some one try to explain to me how to do textInverse and/or how to use
> pictures with Bill's picture program
> Heydude27

set	textinverse, (iy+textflags) (I think it is)
call	_puts....
res	textinverse, (iy+textflags) (if you wanna to)

To use his pic83 make sure you have done a 96*64 pxl image
in the 640*480 256 colors and save it in pcx format
then run pic83 on it

ld	hl,pic
ld	de,plotsscreen
ld	bc,768
call	_grbufcpy_v

that will show the picture on the screen if you have out the code into
the label hl points to

