A83: Storing to strings
A83: Storing to strings
guess what!
i also have a program that i made that will store to strings. it works
_just_ like the create program one. all you have to change is that you
the data out of the string and into the program. (hint hint use ldir)
also note that the first two bytes of a string are the length
if you have any other questions, or any major struggles, e mail me and i
make the program for you
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
_createstrng .equ 4472h
STRNGOBJ .equ 04h
.org 9327h
call _zerooop1 ; load var name
ld hl,strngname ;
ld de,op1 ;
ld bc,3 ;
ldir ;
call _chkfindsym ; look it up
call nc,_delvar ; if it is there delete it
ld hl,13 ; length of string
call _createstrng ; create it
inc de ; skip 1st length byte
inc de ; skip 2nd length byte
ld hl,strng ; string data
ld bc,13 ; string size
ldir ; copy data
.db STRNGOBJ,TVARSTRNG,TSTR1 ; object type strng, var type strng,
var Str1
.db "IAN",tSpace,"IS",tSpace,"A",tSpace,"PIMP" ; IAN IS A PIMP