A83: Can somebody check my source:
A83: Can somebody check my source:
I made this test installer that installs a program to get keypresses.
It is the prototype for my installer for the real program. I wish you
guys would help me to figure out how the Sqrxz menu system works.
-Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
Woops the source:
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
_createprog .equ 448Ah
(PROGOBJ) .equ 05h
(PROGBYTES) .equ 44d
.org 9327h
;PROGRAM: PassWord Pro 83 ASM v0.1 INSTALLER
;DISCRIPTION: Installs PWPro 83 ASM then runs PWPRo 83 ASM and deletes
call install ;the menu will be here when I figure out how the hell it
;((((((((((((((((((((PROGRAM CREATION SOURCE))))))))))))))))))))
;((((((((((((((((BY IAN GRAF ian_graf@geocities.com)))))))))))))
;-------------------------BEGIN CODE----------------------------
call _zerooop1 ;clear OP1
ld hl,progname ;load program name
ld de,op1 ;copy it to op1
ld bc,0Ah ;program name in bytes
ldir ;copy this
call _chkfindsym ;look it up
call nc,_delvar ;if it is there delete it
ld hl,(PROGBYTES) ;load bytes in program
call _creatprog ;create the program
inc de ;accept this code
inc de ;accept this code
ld hl,getit ;get the code
ld bc,(PROGBYTES);program length
ldir ;copy data
ret ;all done!
;--------------------------END CODE------------------------------
.db (PROGOBJ),"PWPRO83",0 ;obj type,name,terminator(always 0)
.db "CD5547CD7547CDFE4C6F2600CD0947CD3D47C9"
.db tEnd
.db "0000"
.db tEnd