A83: Making Programs
A83: Making Programs
Here is the source for a program i made that creates a program
and then copies a small basic routine into it. if you run it, it
displays "IAN IS A PIMP". make note that you can't use lowercase letters
in basic program because they are 1 byte tokens when compiled into asm,
but are 2 byte tokens when typed in through the graph link software
(there isn't any way to enter lower case letters on the calculator).
i hope that all made sence. hopefully the commented source will help
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
_createprog .equ 448Ah
PROGOBJ .equ 05h
.org 9327h
call _zerooop1 ;
ld hl,progname ; the name of the prog
ld de,op1 ; copy it to op1
ld bc,5 ; 5 chars in name
ldir ; do the copying
call _chkfindsym ; look it up
call nc,_delvar ; if it is there delete it (to keep things clean)
ld hl,15 ; length of program (in bytes)
call _createprog ; create it
inc de ; skip 1st length byte
inc de ; skip 2nd length byte
ld hl,prog ; program data
ld bc,15 ; program data length
ldir ; copy data
ret ; all done!
.db PROGOBJ,"IAN",0 ; object type prog, name "IAN", 0 terminator
.db tDisp,tString,"IAN",tSpace,"IS",tSpace,"A",tSpace,"PIMP" ;