Harper Maddox wrote:
> Its funny, a riduculous message has spawned about a 10 message thread of users who don't want to debate this subject.
> Yes, this produced something into my mailbox... but were any of the messages warranted.
> Lastly, is this message?
> I think not. COMPUTER WARS are for IRC.
> -Harper Maddox
> ICQ: 1214597
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trey Jazz <>
> To: <>
> Date: Monday, May 18, 1998 11:21 PM
> Subject: Re: A83: COMPUTER WAR
> yeah right on grant. however i dont think this guy would go out and kill
> someone if they have a mac ;)
> >Its people like you who start wars, kill, murder, rape, and other bad
> >things. You only have one view, your own. If you were an educated
> >computer user, you would know that PCs do some things better than Macs, and
> >Macs do some things better than PCs. Thats the truth, Bill Gates said it
> >himself (if you'd like that in quicktime format, its about 3MB).
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Its funny, a riduculous message has spawned about a 10 message thread
> of users who don't want to debate this subject.
> Yes, this produced something into my mailbox... but were any of the
> messages warranted.
> Lastly, is this message?
> I think not. COMPUTER WARS are for IRC.
> -Harper Maddox
> ICQ: 1214597
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trey Jazz <>
> To:
> <>
> Date: Monday, May 18, 1998 11:21 PM
> Subject: Re: A83: COMPUTER WAR
> yeah right on grant. however i dont think this guy would go
> out and kill
> someone if they have a mac ;)
> >Its people like you who start wars, kill, murder, rape, and
> other bad
> >things. You only have one view, your own. If you were an
> educated
> >computer user, you would know that PCs do some things
> better than Macs, and
> >Macs do some things better than PCs. Thats the truth, Bill
> Gates said it
> >himself (if you'd like that in quicktime format, its about
> 3MB).IRC or usenet! ;-)
More later,