

All Qoutes courtesy of  :  http://www.angelfire.com/ut/nomacs/

Last year, construction of Apple Macintosh computers consumed
over seven hundred thousand tons of rare tropical hardwoods
from unmanaged forests, and released four and a half million
cubic metres of toxic gases into the atmosphere. 

The US Marines Use IBM's........ I Wonder Why????? 

What Is The Point Of Learning To Use A Mac In School If You
Only Have A 20% Chance That You Are Going To Use One In
The Real World.

Macintosh computers wilfully throw away 17% of all Ethernet
packets and typically cause network data collisions reducing the
efficiency of the network by 68%. 

Most Institutes Of Higher Education In The U.S Use IBM
Compatible's Because They Are Better 

101% Of Knifemakers Who Use Macs Burned More Than
__90% Of Their Brain Cells In The 60's. 

67.3% of Macintosh Users Are Criminal Perverts With At Least
One Recent Conviction For Drunk Driving Or Drug Dealing. 

80% of computers used in business are I.B.M. Compatable's 

Federal studies show that prolonged use of Macintosh computers
can cause impotence, brain damage and incontinence. 

PC users have, on average, IQs that are 10-12 points higher than
their Mac-using counterparts.