Re: A83: Display Characters...
Re: A83: Display Characters...
i think he meant to display the characters...
ld a,(char_num) + offset ; not sure what the offset of the chars is in order
to get them to the right char 0-9 without a lot of work
call _vputc ;is it called this or something else? havnt looked through inc
files yet
;get another number then do the same
>Well, do something like this
> ld a,x
> ld (penrow),a
> ld a,y
> ld (pencol),a
> ld hl,text
> call _vputs
> .db "This is the text",0
>On Thu, 14 May 1998, James Matthews wrote:
>> Ok, here's something that will get you guys talking!!
>> Ok, I made a basic program that displays a fraction to up to 256 decimal
>> places (cool, but pointless). Anyway, I want to convert it into ASM, to
>> make it *a lot* quicker. Ok, how do I display an integer at a given
>> on the graphing screen. Basically, the equivalent to:
>> text(x,y,text)
>> I have a vague idea...but I want a more definite one :).
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>> James Matthews.
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