Re: A83: Re: Sonic the Headhog, or Street Fighter 83
Re: A83: Re: Sonic the Headhog, or Street Fighter 83
first off never said i was going to make a game. second there have been many
games on the gameboy that were damn fun and very addictive. im not saying
that color wouldnt help (o and by the way gameboy is goin color... actually
gone in japan). i was pointing out that it doesnt matter what the screen is
like or anything else because its gonna be too big to put on an 83 if it IS
worth playing you see. and i think sonic wouldnt be all that bad on a
grayscale system. thats not the basis of the calculators. the reason they
were made was to help ppl do math DUH! and you tell me that ppl wouldnt want
to play sonic, street fighter, etc. on their calculator :)
>Come on, Trey, don't gimme that. Lemme take it to the ever
>played Quake II on a 8086 with a monochrome monitor?! Of course the
>processor and screen matter when you consider making a game!! We can't
>make games that are hyper-realistic not because we don't have the
>programming power, because we don't have the hardware!
>Ok, sorry if SSF2 was made for the was it? Sonic relys on a
>lot of colour etc., to make the won't look good in black and
>white (greenish). But hey, don't listen to me! Make it the game, and if
>its cool, I'll eat my words in front of you all! :)