A83: Re: Re: Displaying hex.


A83: Re: Re: Displaying hex.

i assume in asm since its on this list. for a binary number you will have to
do some bit testing and output the correct value to the screen as you go

 ld a,(number)
 push af
 bit 0,a
 call z,one
 call nz,zero
 pop af
 bit 1,a
 call z,one
 call nz,zero
 ld a,'0'
 call _putc (not sure what its called for the 83 inc files but u know the
one that puts the character in a)
 ld a,'1'
 call _putc

if you want to store the number in a string then do the same but use hl to
load the numbers into the string+offset

>What do you mean? In ASM, or are you just wanting a program?
>Please Xplain? (sorry Australian Joke)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: James Matthews <matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp>
>To: Asm Help <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
>Date: Sunday, 3 May 1998 19:43
>Subject: A83: Displaying hex.
>>How can you display a number in its hex or bin form?
>>James Matthews.
>>E-mail (family):    matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp
>>E-mail (private):  james_matthews@hotmail.com
>>Homepage:  http://home.att.ne.jp/gold/tomcat21/index2.html
>>ICQ:  7413754
