A83: Re: Please help me on a survey


A83: Re: Please help me on a survey

> From: Grant Stockly <gussie@alaska.net>
> To: Recipient list suppressed
> Subject: A83: Please help me on a survey
> Date: Tuesday, May 05, 1998 11:45 AM
> I have to complete a survey for school and was wondering if you guys
> help me out!
> I would like you to fill out the blanks to the best of your knowlege.
> Thank You for your support!
> [ ] Student (15 years or younger)
> [X] Adult
> 1.  What are the most signifigant challenges that will be faced in the
> World:  Population, pollution...
> Country:  Japan?  The above.  Britain...its going down, economic trouble.
> Yourself:  Getting into a decent university...that's as far ahead as I
can see =)
> 2.  What do you think should be done about each?  Population is difficult
to find...I think nature will sort it out soon (with the equivalent of the
Black Death), pollution control.  Britain needs some major re-structuring,
which is hard to do in a conversative country like britain.
> 3.  What can you personally do to make a positive difference in the
> however small it might be? After studying Artificial Intelligence, I'll
make something that will help disabled people...?  Thing is, I'm always
afraid (after watching Terminator II), that any advancement in AI that
would be made by myself would be taken, and put to military uses.
> 4.  What impact might your action have on others?  On the challenge
>   As above.
> Thanks for your support once again!
> Grant