A83: TI8xBas


A83: TI8xBas

A couple of weeks ago I released the first version of TI8xBAS, and have
released a few since then.  TI8xBAS is a basic compiler for the ti8x
(82, 83, 85, and 86) graphing calculators, although I am concentrating
on the ti83 at this point.  Although people already skilled in ASM may
prefer and enjoy the performance they get from writing their programs in
pure ASM, TI8xBAS seems to do a decent job (at least from the samples
I've written) in optimizing it's output code.  I've written a few
samples which are posted on the TI8xBAS homepage, including a little
maze demo.  The only requirements are that you have Windows 95 and about
2 megs of hard drive space (and knowledge of BASIC, QuickBasic, or
Visual Basic would be helpfull).  You can get it at

I posted one message here before regarding TI8xBAS, but didn't get much
response -- I'm curious as to whether or not there is any interest in a
piece of software like this, or if I'm wasting my time here :)  Let me

Justin E. Schumacher
(Bugaboo @ IRC)
