A83: Some help with Str's and Pic's...


A83: Some help with Str's and Pic's...


This is my first attempt at sending to the assembly digest, I hope
this gets through.

I have 2 Q's:

  1. I'm sure one of you knows, can someone help me out with
     accessing accessing the StrN user variables?

       I hope its not asking too much, but any suggestions on how
       to find the length of a string, or a sub-string would be
       welcome. These are my guesses, so don't rely on them.

       * For the length you could search for the zero byte
         terminating the string and count the bytes from that to
         the beginning.

       * For a sub-string you could move the number of bytes
         forward from the first position, and take the number of
         bytes you want after that.

       These bytes are based on my assumption that each character
       in a string takes up one byte, correct me if I am wrong.
       (PLEASE correct me if I am wrong!!!)

  2. Same kinda' deal as above, could anyone tell my how to load
     and save to PicN variables?

any help would be appreciated!