A83: Clock interrupt prog
A83: Clock interrupt prog
Hey, a while back before I was thrown off the list (how, I don't know...)
I was talking/asking about interupts. I have since been trying to write
a clock TSR/interupt but, althoug it compiles fine, it screws up the
calc. I tried changing the end from jp 3ah to reti to rst 38h. Any
input/help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Here it is:
#include "ti83asmd.inc" ;Includes all TI-83 func equates
.LIST ;have no idea what this does
.org 9327h ;every asm program starts @ address 9327h
#define df #define
; var addresses can start @ 80E0h...
df msec 8265h ;Milliseconds
df sec 8266h ;Seconds
df min 8267h ;Minutes
df hour 8268h ;Hours
df day 8269h ;Day
df month 826Ah ;Month
df year 826Bh ;Year
ld hl,8300h
ld de,8301h
ld bc,256
ld (hl),84h
ld hl,int
ld de,8484h
ld bc,intend-int
ld a,83
ld i,a
im 2
ex af,af'
ld a,(msec)
inc a
ld (msec),a
cp 200
ret nz
; di ;do I need this?
ex af,af'
xor a
ld (msec),a
ld a,(sec)
inc a
ld (sec),a
;write sec to screen
ld l,a
xor h
xor a
ld (currow),a
ld a,7
ld (curcol),a
call _disphl
cp 60
ret nz
xor a
ld (sec),a
ld a,(min)
inc a
ld (min),a
;write min to screen
ld l,a
xor h
xor a
ld (currow),a
ld a,4
ld (curcol),a
call _disphl
cp 60
ret nz
xor a
ld (min),a
ld a,(hour)
inc a
ld (hour),a
;write hour to screen
ld l,a
xor h
xor a
ld (currow),a
ld a,1
ld (curcol),a
call _disphl
cp 24
ret nz
xor a
ld (hour),a
ld a,(day)
inc a
ld (day),a
;need to add month stuff, too
ex af,af'
; ei ;if I DI @ beginning, then I need
to EI here
; rst 38h ;didn't work(?)
jp 3Ah