Re: A83: To the hot shots???


Re: A83: To the hot shots???

You need to put ".org 9327h" before the "CALL _zeroOP1" line for link83
to recognize it as a ti-83 proggy.

> OK I have a problem. This program won't compile. What it does is put the
> text from Str1 (as in the basic string) and put it into hl, ready for
> display. (This information is handy for those of you wanting to use other
> basic variables such as programs etc.) Now it compiles alright, but when it
> comes to using lnk83 it dosn't work. It gives me the message Not TI-83
> compadable or something similar. Does any one have any suggestions? Oh I
> thought I might use a different lnk83 converter that also squishes the file
> and write protects. Would this work? I'd try it right now but I'm tired. Any
> way here's the code.....
> To get a string ( ex : Str5 ), you need to :
> * set OP1 contents to all zeroes
> * set OP1 contents to the variable name ( in this case : 04 AA 04, for Str1
> 04 AA 00, for Str9 04 AA 08, for Str0 04 AA 09, and so on )
> * call the lookup procedure
> This will be :
> _chkfindsym    .equ    442Ah
> _ErrUndefined   .equ 467Bh
> _zeroOP1        .equ 428Eh
>         CALL _zeroOP1
>         LD   HL, OP1
>         LD   (HL), 4
>         INC  HL
>         LD   (HL), 0AAh
>         INC  HL
>         LD   (HL), 4
> ; OP1 = 04 AA 04 : Str5
>         CALL _chkfindsym                ; lookup Str5 : DE = ptr to data, HL
> = ptr to SYM-TBL entry
>         JP   C, _errUndefined           ; if not found, CF will be set (this
> might be the problem but I'm not sure)
>         EX   DE, HL                        ; if you want HL to point on the
> data
> And this should work. However, you'll probably get 'wrong' symbols as ²,
> ..., because when it displays a string, the TI-83 converts each of its
> element in a token, and decodes it.
> Oh by the way, this might be a good thing to put in a tutorial if we can get
> it going.
