Re: A83: Attention Macintosh users!


Re: A83: Attention Macintosh users!

Dosn't the documentation say how to do so? There is a tutorial on how to use
CAZ for the 83, and that might be of some help.
                        ( o o )
 /  Steven Conway                         \
[                                                        ]
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[  (   )                                                ]
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-----Original Message-----
From: ilya winham <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, 23 March 1998 10:36
Subject: Re: A83: Attention Macintosh users!

>Ok, CAZ takes the source and can compile it and produces the a.out file.
>I know, I use it for 82asm. Then, a program has to be made to take that
>a.out file and assemble it into an .83p file. MacASM82 does that. So,
>somebody could make a program to take the CAZ produced file and assemble
>that into the .83p file. Now, are there any mac programmers here...