Re: A83: Can someone tell me how to...
Re: A83: Can someone tell me how to...
You might have to do something like check if a key is pressed, if it's the
right one then go to the next key and so on. I have a freind that made
something like that in basic, I'll try to get it, and it is fairly simple to
convert to ASM.
-----Original Message-----
From: Its kavity <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, 17 March 1998 14:18
Subject: Re: A83: Can someone tell me how to...
>Thanks, I never thought of storing them in Strings, but even if i didnt i
>could still protect my program before i sent it to me calculator. Also I
>the code to turn off the calculator I just dont know how to have an Input
>; CALCOFF.Z80 v1.0
>; Turns your ti-83 calculator off
>#define equ .equ
>#define EQU .equ
>#define end .end
>#include ""
>#include ""
>.org 9327h
> DI ; disable interrupts
> LD A,001H
> OUT (003H),A ; turn off screen
> LD A,000H
> OUT (004H),A
> EI ; enable interrupts
>; Put code here that you want to execute when the calculator turns back on
> set textInverse,(iy+textflags)
> LD HL,0200h
> ld (currow),hl
> LD HL,Madeby
> res textInverse,(iy+textflags)
> CALL _getk
>Madeby .db "Made By Mike Walsh", 0